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Φωνή Ορθοδοξίας – Voice of Orthodoxy

Publisher:Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
Current holder
Item number
DAHD26847 Series 17
Access rights
Permission required
Period of reference
1969 to 2007
Description from source
Description of contents:no. 1 (newspaper) Jan. 1969, no. 9 (newspaper) Sep. 1972, no. 1-12 Jan-Dec 1980, no. 13-24 Jan-Dec 1981, no. 25-36 Jan-Dec 1982, no. 37-47 Jan-Dec 1983, no. 48-60 Jan-Dec 1984, no. 61-72 Jan-Dec 1985, no. 73-78 Jan-June 1986
no. 80-84 Aug-Sep 1986, Special Issue May. 1986, no.85 Jan-Feb 1987, no. 87-96 Mar-Dec 1987, no. 97 Jan 1988, no. 98-102 Feb-Jun 1988, no.109-120 Jan-Dec 1989, Special Issue Feb. 1989, no. 121-129 Jan-Sept 1990, no. 133-144 Jan-Dec 1991, no. 145-150 Jan-June 1992, no. 152-159 May-Aug 1993, no. 170-175 July-Dec 1993, no. 178-187 Jan-Dec 1994, no. 188-199 Jan-Dec 1995, no. 200 Jan. 1996, no. 202-210 Feb-Dec 1996, no. 211-222 Jan-Dec 1997, no. 225,226 Mar,Apr 1998, no. 228-234 Jun-Dec 1998, no. 235-237 Mar-May 1999, no. 239-241 July-Sep 1999, no. 243-244 Nov-Dec 1999, no. 245/246,247-256 Jan/Feb,Mar-Dec 2000, no. 257-267 Jan-Dec 2001, no. 268-269 Jan-Mar 2002, no. 271-276 May-Dec 2002, no. 277-287 Jan-Dec 2003, no. 288 Jan/Feb 2004, no. 290-298 Apr-Dec 2004, no. 299-305 Jan-Aug 2005, no. 308 Nov. 2005, no. 314,316,318 Jun, Sep, Nov 2006, no. 320-321 Jan-Mar 2007
Date accessed
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