Text Analysis
Patria. Da una gabbia di prigionieri di guerra
Patria was a handwritten newsletter written in Italian and created by prisoners of war (POWs)…
The Diary of Francesco D’Urbano
Delia. Diario di guerra was penned in Italian by Francesco D’Urbano (1920-1967) during WWII. The…
A Dutch Doctor Struck by Gold fever
Gerardus Johannes van Rossum (1832-1861) arrived in Sydney from Utrecht, the Netherlands in 1854. From…
Comte Gabriel de Milhau
Sonia Wilson Considered one of the founders of Hunters Hill in Sydney, Comte Gabriel de…
A Collection of Common Phrases in Chinese and English
Josh Stenberg Ashfield & District Historical Society (NSW) holds a book of which the title…
The Greek-Australian Harbin Connection
Eva Boleti Greek immigration to China, particularly Harbin, represents a significant yet understudied facet of…
Lord Gowrie’s visit to Indonesia
The First Earl of Gowrie, Alexander Hore-Ruthven https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/gowrie-first-earl-of-6441, was the only Governor General of Australia…
Prime Minister Menzies’ visit to Indonesia
Adrian Vickers Robert Gordon Menzies was the first prime minister of Australia to visit Indonesia.…
Goa wants Australia back
Adrian Vickers A rather strange footnote in the history of Australian-Indonesian relations. Based on his…