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Menzies Meets Sukarno


Menzies meets Sukarno Because We’re Close Neighbours, don’t let us be enemies

In recent times, Indon. has experienced big changes. Jakarta, 3-12 (Antara-PIA) Indonesia and Australia as close neighbours, according to the Australian PM Robert Gordon Menzies, should not have an attitude of hostility. This explanation was conveyed by the [state] guest to a number of members of the DPA [upper house of parliament] when he visited and exchanged ideas with the Deputy Chair of the DPA, Ruslan Abdulgani. Prior to that, Menzies held a succession of courtesy visits to President Sukarno, MP Djuanda and the Head of the DPR [parliament], Sartono. After meeting with President Sukarno, Menzies said that he had been pleased with the meeting, which lasted one hour. A one-on-one meeting between Sukarno and Menzies will be held on Sunday. This meeting is thought to be of great importance. After the meeting with Menzies, PM Djuanda said that the [Sunday] meeting will br a formal one, and it is hoped that Foreign Minister Subandrio will also attend. When meeting with the Head of the DPR, Sartono, Menzies gave him a silver ash-tray in the shape of the map of Australia. PM Menzies also gave a speech to some of the DPA members, when this state guest held his formal meeting with Deputy of the DPA, Ruslan Abd. Gani.

Menzies’s Speech

In his speech, Menzies said that, in this era, the most important standing for nations that were still developing, was that these nations were already free and thus could develop in their own fashion. He pointed out that there were big changes going on in the countries of Asia that followed their own social, cultural historical and traditions forms, and he was of the opinion that it was better that countries developed themselves each according to the own attitudes. He stated that it was already clear that these countries “could not copy slavishly” the system of government

Roeslan A. Gani’s Explanation

“I am personally of the opinion, that there must be clear discussions, without dissembling. If we really desire friendship between Indonesia and Australia, then I think that this is only possible if there are full and frank discussions. Formerly, there was a misunderstanding on the Australian side about the nature of guided democracy in Indonesia. Nevertheless, when he was given an explanation by the deputy head of the DPA, then prime minister Menzies seemed to understand much better, and even expressed sympathy towards the efforts of the Indonesian government.

Patty Menzies is entertained

Mrs Patty Menzies, on the second day of their visit to Indonesia, attended a coffee morning held by Mrs Djuanda in the formal residence of the Prime Minister in South Merdeka. At this coffee morning she was given specifically Indonesian snacks such as sweet layer cake and steamed cake balls. We can announce that on Saturday, Mrs Menzies will see the museum, before holding a coffee event at Merdeka Barat 13. This coming Sunday 6 December, Mrs Menzies will see the Botanical Gardens at Bogor and then attend a coffee event with Mrs Hartini Sukarno.

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