Τηλεγραφικό μήνυμα του Αλέξανδρου Αλεξίου 2/8/1974 σχετικά με την οικονομική ενίσχυση των Κυπρίων – Telegraph message by Aleksandros Alexiou 2/8/1974 regarding financial support for Cypriots
Letter regarding financial support from the Kalymnian Brotherhood to the Cypriots who suffered the Turkish Invasion in 1974
3 Gardi Teleph
Established in 1959.
Through this communication, we have the honor to inform you that, through contributions among the members of our brotherhood and from its own treasury, the amount of $2,787 Australian dollars was collected for the victims of our Cypriot brothers.
Enclosed to you are:
Announcement for the convening of the General Assembly to be held on August 28, 1974.
Its decision, and
List of donations offered for the national defense of our motherland Greece at the aforementioned meeting.
Remaining with many thanks,
From the Committee
Darwin 2/8/1974
3 Gardi Teleph
Established in 1959.
Through this communication, we have the honor to inform you that, through contributions among the members of our brotherhood and from its own treasury, the amount of $2,787 Australian dollars was collected for the victims of our Cypriot brothers.
Enclosed to you are:
Announcement for the convening of the General Assembly to be held on August 28, 1974.
Its decision, and
List of donations offered for the national defense of our motherland Greece at the aforementioned meeting.
Remaining with many thanks,
From the Committee
Darwin 2/8/1974
Person |
Aleksiou, Aleksandros Aleksiou Magoulia, Irini Magoulias, Nikitas Magoulias, Themis |
Transcription |
3 Gardi Teleph ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΣ ΚΑΛΥΜΝΙΩΝ ΝΤΑΡΓΟΥΙΝ Ν.Τ. ΚΑΛΥΜΝΟΣ” Ιδρύσεως 1959. ΓΝΩΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ Προς Διά της παρούσης έχομεν την τιμήν να γνωρίσομεν προς υμάς ότι, διά συνεισφοράς μεταξύ των μελών της ημετέρας αδελφότητος και εκ του ιδίου Αυτής ταμείου δια τα θύματα των αδελφών μας Κυπρίων, συνεχίσθη το ποσόν των δολλαρίων Αυστραλίας $2.787. Επισυναπτομέν δε προς υμάς: Ανακοίνωση για τη σύγκληση της Γενικής Συνέλευσης συνελθουσης την 28η Αυγούστου 1974. Απόφαση Αυτής, και Πίνακα δωρεών προσφορών δια την Εθνικήν άμυναν της μητρός μας Ελλάδος κατά την εν λόγω συνέλευση. Διατελούντες μετά πολλών ευχαριστιών Εκ της Επιτροπής Ντάργουιν 2/8/ 1974 |
Subject | |
Category | |
Keywords |
greek Greeks in Australia |
Current holder | |
Access rights |
Permission required |
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Physical format |
Letters |
Date accessed |
2024-06-10 |
Translator |
Eva Boleti |
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