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I diari d'internamento di Federico Bonisoli: La lingua e il 'bel dire' di un fascista Italo-Australiano (The Internment Diaries of Federici Bonisoli: The Language and the Beautiful Expression of an Italo-Australian Fascist)

Bonisoli, Federico
Lampugnani, Raffaele
Aracne Editrice
Italian immigrants
Current holder
Item number
IHS 920.71 LAM
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Description from source
“Durante la Seconda guerra mondiale circa 4800 civili di origine italiana residenti in Australia furono imprigionati in campi di internamento in località remote e inospitali. Secondo fonti ufficiali, il trattamento riservato agli internati fu benevolo. A questa versione degli eventi, tuttavia, è sempre mancata la voce delle vittime. I diari di Federico Bonisoli, e lo studio dell’espressione dell’autore, costituiscono una fonte pregevole di informazioni che evidenziano il modo caotico in cui avvenivano gli arresti, l’incarcerazione indiscriminata di individui di diverse ideologie, l’angoscia degli internati separati dalle loro famiglie e dal loro lavoro. Loro unica colpa, quella di essere italiani. During the Second World War, about 4800 civilians of Italian origin residents in Australia were imprisoned in internment camps in remote and inhospitable locations. According to official sources, the treatment of internees was benevolent. Always lacking in this version of events, however, was the voice of victims. Federico Bonisoli’s diaries, and the analysis of the expression of the author, constitute a precious source of information which highlight the chaotic manner in which arrests were made, the indiscriminate incarceration of individuals of different ideologies, the anguish felt by internees who were separated from their families and their work. Their only fault was that of being Italians.

This publication is held in the IHS Collection at the CO.AS. IT. Resource Centre.
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Place of Publication
Ariccia (Italy)
Record author
Siobhan Campbell
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