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La spedizione del Marchese di Rays e le sue vittime


Sceusa aided the victims of the Marquis de Rays expedition, and wrote this account of their experiences in La Spedizione del Marchese di Rays e le sue Vittime (1881).
Francesco Sceusa
H.R. Woods
early settlement
Comitato Italiano di Soccorso (Australia)
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54 p. ; 22 cm.
Mitchell Library copy at DSM/ 889.4/ S has David Scott Mitchell bookplate, and is inscribed ‘To the editor of the S.M.Herald, the Author’
Mitchell Library volume at DSM/ 042/ P269 signed, ‘D.S. Mitchell’ on handwritten contents list; volume has bookbinder’s label: “W. Christie”; item has: “Sir Alfred Stephens Chief Justice. The Author” written above title; item bound with other unsigned items; volume has “A.S.” bookplate on front cover.
“Pubblicata per mandato del Comitato Italiano di Soccorso, ecc.”
Sceusa’s work La spedizione del Marchese di Rays e le sue vittime was also published in instalments in Giornale illustrato dei viaggi e delle avventure di terra e di mare, starting from No.212 of the 21st September 1882. The previous issue announced its publication as follow: “Col prossimo numero cominceremo la pubblicazione dell’importante scritto di Francesco Sceusa intorno alla Spedizione del marchese di Rays che smaschera molti inganni e rivela molti dolori dell’emigrazione” (Giornale illustrato dei viaggi e delle avventure di terra e di mare, No.211, 14th September 1882, p.10)
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Bibliographic citation

Gianfranco Cresciani, “Kookaburra e Kultur: Francesco Sceusa tra miti e realtà australiani”, in Italia-Australia, 1788-1988. Atti del Convegno di Studio, Rome, Castel S. Angelo, 23-27 maggio 1991, pp. 261-275.

Rosemary Harrigan, They were expeditioners: the chronicle of Northern Italian farmers – pioneer settlers of New Italy with documentation of the Marquis de Rays’ four expeditions to New Ireland between 1879 and 1881 (Werribee, Vic. : Rosemary Harrigan, 2006.)

Josephine Hyacinthe, The phantom paradise: the story of the expedition of the Marquis de Rays (London : Angus & Robertson, 1980).

Abstract from La spedizione del marchese di Rays e le sue vittime
Place of Publication

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