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縫衣婦訴苦 Seamstress complains of hardship


A group of Chinese women were working at home sewing clothes. They had extremely low wages and could not afford to stop sewing for a short chat. They hoped the journalists from The Times to publicize their situation, which may help improve their payment in the future.


The way westerners make money can be extremely easy. It seems like they are able to make a thousand pieces of gold within seconds. It can also be extremely hard. Endless and arduous labour can barely feed oneself and keep themselves warm. It is not uncommon to see how different from individuals to individuals. Now here is a story that some people who are in extreme poverty and hardship sent letters to seek help. Anyone who hears story like this would be skeptical. However, when a western newspaper in Sydney heard this story, they dispatched some journalists to investigate. When listening to it, the chief writer recorded the original story. As it was The Times in New South Wales, it guarantees the truthfulness of the story.

When the journalists just went into the interviewees’ residence, they saw two middle-aged and two young women about sixteen and eighteen years old respectively. Later they saw the furniture in the house. There were only a few old sewing machines, broken chairs, and a table in the kitchen. Two rough straw paper sheets were used to cover the table and turned it into a dining one. There were a few cups with rough surfaces caused by a lack of cleanliness. There was a flour dough without any oil. A white tin was used to store sugar. In a plate, a leftover fish could be seen. There was no time to clean up the countertop as all of the females rushed back to work after each meal.

The sewing machines were in operation, making sound like constant bees humming. When the four workers saw the journalists come in, they only took a quick side glance without greeting or asking. Then these visitors asked, “you seem to have no interest to look outside but only concentrate on your work.” A woman responded, “nothing else can help us put food on the table. We have to work from early morning to mid-night every day. Weekend is no exception or the income would not be extremely low.” when it comes to chitchatting, we are not lucky eno
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敢包的確無訛。子初入。見兩中年婦。及兩少年女子。一約十六歲。一約十八歲。次見房內傢私。獨有舊縫衣機數架。殘爛椅數張。廚房一檯。用兩草紙蓋面即作餐檯。有數粗杯。類如每餐用完無洗之形。麵頭一團。不打油些少。用白鐵罐載糖。碟上仍存食剩之魚。未暇收檯。急往作工。又見數人之衣機。聲震不停。若覆巢蜂响之音。四名作工者見訪事入門。初衹側目以視。不理不問。獨顧工程。訪事問曰。汝等似覺無心看外。專心作工乎。女子答曰。若除此外。無能糊口。每從晨至夕至半夜而後止。常逢禮拜亦然。否則支銀時。無可多取。至於無事閒談。非我等有此幸者。又受盤問。彼陸續答曰。我四人為伴。均不願往工廠作工。故攜囘代造。而工黨衙門。作我等為在廠外僱工求食者。事有所因。或因親。或因不欲與他人仝處。故不悅往。而寧與數人困居此地。且另有難對人言者。今接囘之工。受工黨衙門限制價值。衙門雖助我工人。然東家亦多詭計避去。故我等應領之財。莫能得取。比論日前尤甚也。似任東家施捨之心。若汝知此情形。决不怪君等面瘦目倦。心神亦不及他人之爽。事因每日附目低頭十二點鐘久。昨幾禮拜曾連趕工七晝夜。每膳衹備茶杯。X頭不打油。或有魚或肉與否。未可定論。常有大家兒女。嫁夫貧窮。因兒纏身。莫能到工廠者。又或因夫好醉。或沾病。故往工廠攜工返舍。勝於自盡而已。茲將價值報說。料君亦發憐恤之心。凡縫男褲。須先學曉。然後手定。且必專心寸步不移。縫工價值。連釘褲鈕。縫鈕門一概齊備。每打臣平者六司零。貴者九司零。用兩位廣大氣力婦。無疾病。無兒女料纏者。從晨六點至夜九點十點。方能縫成十二條褲。每X幾司零。兩人均派。統計除支房租。伙食。針線。擦布骨X梘。燈油。修整衣機。 X費時XX廠求工。及縫妥後交貨乞銀。此為最苦是者。訪事觀其聲音。容貌。嘆惜等。亦起代發煩難XX。又將事詰問。他亦答曰。其查工者。人呼其花X畜牲。X若野獸。吾嘗一X交囘褲四打囘。彼竟盡力牽扯褲骨。如兵拖纜之形。線被扯斷喝令X包携返再縫。X可交X。後遇別名熟識者至。每條查看。乃交大半打臣携囘修整。若令查X者所惡。凡見有半點不合意者。一概交囘不收。則莫若速即停罷。另向別處求食更易也。訪事又問。汝若代縫白衣。價或畧勝。婦答曰。X為不美。凡縫婦女白粗衣。每打臣從二員至六員。觀其材料高低。任他施捨。甚多不惜辛勞。每禮拜難贃十二司零。另除針線燈油修機等若能接銀一磅。該禮拜則X為大幸矣。可知造女衣為工場最下賤之藝。每禮拜從七員半起。至一磅止。曾遇一次。一婦人交來絲汗衫兩件。材料果稱精幼。求取工銀五員。彼視若割肉之難。吾識一婦自稱為大能者。敢縫夜着之男體服。每套價銀九員半。竭其心力精神。每禮拜X縫二套。今蒙汝報館訪事查問。子亦將真情直吐。雖知報館欲以善法待我料莫能代勞加我苦金。倘令我等每禮拜X贃銀一磅零五員。則雪梨千百家工人。皆感新爹太晤士報館之大德矣。
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廣益華報 – Guang yi hua bao
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