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Interview with Kaimasidis, Melpomene

Subject description
συνέντευξη με την Μελπομένη Καιμασίδη
Resumé of interview
In the interview, Melpo discusses her family’s traumatic history during World War II. She also discusses aspects of their working lives as wheat and tobacco farmers and some of the horrors of the Civil War period that followed the end of WWII. She goes on to recall her experiences on the ship that brought her to Australia and the feelings of sea sickness suffered by many of the passengers. She discusses her husband’s illness and subsequent death and the financial difficulties of being a single mother. The interview also covers Melpo’s involvement with AHEPA (Australasian Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) in raising money for charities and hospitals in Sydney as well as her leadership roles as a member of the Pontian Association, Panagia Soumela.
Date of interview
Kaimasidis, Melpomene
Greeks in Australia
Current holder
Eleni Eeleftherias

Melpo recalls the circumstances driving her migration.

My brother-in-law had submitted his application to leave for either Germany or Australia. He was accepted for Australia and newlywedded with my sister they came to Australia in 1953. […] They came on the Patris. My sister suffered a lot when they came, with no language, with nothing. She was pregnant with her eldest son, she ended up in hospitals and she was cold but could not say ‘bring me a blanket.’ Eventually, with gestures, that is the way they communicated then, she made them understand. In the end her son, Stavros was born. My mother was worried about her, that she was alone and told me to go and be close to her. And that is how I set out and came to Australia in 1957.

Timecode 16:54 – 18:40


Melpo explains how she got her job working with Cornelius Furs

Melpo: Simos, the one who came and greeted me at the station to take me home, worked at Cornelius . . . and he had spoken to him about me . . . I was one of the best machinists there, I was very good.

Interviewer: You sewed the furs?

Melpo: I sewed the most expensive furs. He had spoken to my boss and my position was for me to go and start work.

Interviewer: A ready position?

Melpo: A ready position. It was Monday. The Queen’s Birthday. It was a holiday, and I would go to work on the Wednesday. My sister took me to the factory.

Timecode 25:05 – 26:15
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