Note from Al[exander] v[on] Humboldt to George Neumayer
Subject | |
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Author |
Humboldt, Alexander von |
Current holder | |
Series number |
MS 13020 |
Item number |
9925655483607636 |
Access rights |
Request at location |
Country of origin | |
Language | |
Period of reference |
1854 |
Description from source |
2 p (0.1 cm). A full transcription of the note is published in: Fletcher, J., Humboldt-briefe in Australien, Melbourne: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, 1983, pp. 14-15. This undated note in German is addressed to George Neumayer, ‘Reisander aus Australien’ (‘traveller in Australia’) and invites him to dinner. The note is accompanied by the face of its original envelope. |
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Correspondence |
Bibliographic citation |
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